Hey, my name is carl and i've been experiencing some problems with my

Hey, my name is carl and i've been experiencing some problems with my phone the last few days. It's a redmi note 10. when i plug my charger and start charging my phone most of the times doesn't charge. i tried plugging in my sister's phone and it charged. then, i tried another charger and it charged fine. is the problem my phone or the charger??

Asked by Carl on 30-05-2022

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Safety Tips for Buyers
  • Never pay the Seller before receiving and verifying the device.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Ask for bill, box, accessories etc to make sure its not a stolen device.
  • Meet the Seller in a safe place preferably in daytime.
Safety Tips for Sellers
  • Never handover the phone before receiving the full amount.
  • Avoid Buyers from foreign countries.
  • Beware of Buyers from other cities.
  • Never share sensitive data of your bank account or credit card.
  • Never scan any QR code or share OTP.
  • Meet the Buyer in a safe place preferably in daytime.
  • Make sure to delete all personal data from the phone before selling.
  • Format the device or Reset to factory settings before selling.